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Showing posts from May, 2021

Burned from the land: How 60 years of racial violence shaped America

As the Civil War neared its end, Union General William Sherman had been convinced that newly emancipated slaves needed their own land to secure their freedom. He issued  Special Field Order  No. 15, setting aside  400,000  coastal acres of land for Black families and stating that, “…no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside.” A provision was added later for mules. In three months, the potential of Sherman’s order vanished with a single shot. That April, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and in the fall President Andrew Johnson  reversed Sherman’s order , allowing Confederate planters to regain the land. It demonstrated a ruthless appropriation that would be repeated for decades to come. Still, Black Americans created pockets of wealth during the Reconstruction years and into the early 20th century. Yet where Black Americans created a refuge, White Americans pushed back through political maneuvering and viole

Crypto Assets a Great Concern, Says Ireland’s Central Bank Enforcer

  The rising popularity of cryptocurrencies such as   bitcoin   is “of great concern,” according to Derville Rowland, one of the top officials at Ireland’s central bank. “Crypto assets are quite a speculative, unregulated investment,” and people should be “really aware they could lose the whole of that investment,” the central bank’s director general for financial conduct said in an interview. Rowland, whose department at Ireland’s central bank is known for having imposed heavy fines on some of the nation’s biggest financial firms, joins  a host of  central bankers who have raised the alarm on crypto investments. Read More

An Old Shell Exploded At The Port Of Sidon

  A loud explosion sound was reported in Sidon, southern Lebanon, on Thursday morning, originating in the vicinity of the new Port of Sidon. According to the National News Agency (NNA), the explosion happened during the compression of a quantity of scrap that included an old unexploded shell. Read More

16 new COVID-19 community cases in Singapore, including 3 unlinked

  SINGAPORE: Singapore reported 16 new COVID-19 cases in the community as of noon on Monday (May 31), including three with no links to previous infections. Thirteen were linked to previous cases, with 11 already on quarantine and two detected through surveillance, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in its daily preliminary update. There were also seven imported cases, who had been placed on stay-home notice upon arrival in Singapore. Of these, four are returning Singaporeans or Singapore permanent residents. No new infections were reported in migrant workers' dormitories. In all, Singapore reported 23 new COVID-19 cases on Monday. Details of the new cases will be released on Monday night, said MOH. Read More

Transit employees among 9 dead in shooting at San Jose rail yard

  A   public transit employee opened   fire on co-workers at a Northern California rail yard Wednesday, killing more than a half-dozen people before taking his own life, authorities said. Calls of shots fired came about 6:34 a.m. PT near 100 W. Younger Ave. in downtown San Jose, drawing a large law enforcement response, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said. The shooter was identified as Samuel Cassidy, an employee of the  Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) , law enforcement sources said. He shot and killed himself at the scene, according to sources. At least eight people were killed, not including the shooter, sheriff's Deputy Russell Davis said. "This is a horrific day for our city and it is a tragic day for the VTA family, and our heart pains for the families and the co-workers because we know so many are feeling deeply this loss of their loved ones and their friends," San Jose  Mayor Sam Liccardo told reporters at the scene . Read More https:

Mark York, Actor on ‘The Office,’ Dies at 55

  Mark York, the actor best known for playing Billy Merchant on the NBC sitcom “The Office,” died last week in Dayton, Ohio. He was 55. His death was confirmed by the Montgomery County coroner’s office, which said on Tuesday that he had died in a hospital of natural causes. Mr. York’s family said in an  obituary  that he had died after “a brief and unexpected illness.” Read More

بعد بتر قدمه.. أول تعليق من الفنان المصري شريف دسوقي

  بطل فيلم "وقفة رجالة" قال على حسابه في "فيسبوك: "قدر الله وما شاء فعل الحمد الله على كل شيء" اقرا المزيد

Electricity Shortage At Beirut Port Could Destroy Millions In Refrigerated Goods

  On Tuesday, the Lebanese Shipping Agents Syndicate warned that intense power outages at the Beirut Port will lead to a “financial and economic catastrophe,” reported NNA. The catastrophe presents itself in the destruction of refrigerated goods inside of around 500 containers containing medicines, food, and meat worth tens of millions of dollars. Read More

Detained Belarusian dissident appears in video

  (CNN) Dissident journalist   Roman Protasevich   has appeared in a new video after his arrest by Belarusian authorities on Sunday, following   the government's extraordinary diversion of his Ryanair flight  to capital city Minsk. The video -- the first since Protasevich's arrest -- comes amid mounting fears for his safety and widespread fury over the diversion of a European commercial flight. "The attitude of the [Interior Ministry] employees towards me has been as correct as possible and in compliance with the law," Protasevich says in the video, which was posted Monday evening to a pro-government social media channel. "I continue to cooperate with the investigation and have confessed to organizing mass riots in the city of Minsk," he also says. His supporters believe the video was made under duress. Read More

Ohio shooting: At least 3 killed outside Columbus

  At least three people were killed in a   shooting  Monday outside Columbus,   Ohio , according to reports.  The shooting occurred in West Jefferson, a village about 15 miles west of Ohio's state capital.  West Jefferson Police Chief Chris Floyd said three victims were found inside an apartment and additional bodies were found outside the residence, Columbus's WSYX reported.  Read More

الجزيري وبن شرقي يقودان الزمالك أمام المصري

أعلن الفرنسي باتريس كارتيرون، المدير الفني للزمالك، تشكيل الفريق الذي سيخوض به مواجهته أمام المصري البورسعيدي في التاسعة مساء اليوم على استاد الإسكندرية، في الجولة الرابعة والعشرين من مسابقة الدوري الممتاز. ويضم التشكيل كلا من: في حراسة المرمى : محمد عواد في خط الدفاع : حمزة المثلوثي ومحمود حمدي الونش ومحمد عبد الغني وأحمد فتوح في خط الوسط: طارق حامد وفرجاني ساسي وإسلام جابر وأشرف بن شرقي وأحمد سيد زيزو في خط الهجوم: سيف الدين الجزيري ويجلس على مقاعد البدلاء كل من: محمود عبد الرحيم جنش ومحمد عبد السلام وحازم إمام ومحمد عبد الشافي ومحمود عبدالرازق شيكابالا ومحمود عبد العزيز ومحمد أشرف روقا وأسامة فيصل ومروان حمدي. و وصلت حافلة فريق الكرة الأول بنادي الزمالك إلى استاد الاسكندرية استعدادا لخوض مباراته أمام المصري البورسعيدي في الجولة الرابعة والعشرين من مسابقة الدوري الممتاز والتي تنطلق في التاسعة مساء اليوم الإثنين. وعقد الفرنسي باتريس كارتيرون، المدير الفني لفريق الزمالك، محاضرة فنية مع لاعبي الفريق قبل التحرك من فندق الإقامة في معسكر الفريق المقام حاليا، استعدادا لمواجهة المصري البورسع

Chloé Zhao’s ‘Eternals’ Drops First Look Teaser

  Fresh off winning Best Picture and Best Director for Nomadland at this year’s Academy Awards, Chloé Zhao returns to theaters with The Eternals. Her entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe boasts interesting visuals, the kind you don’t typically see in an MCU film. It looks as if her general aesthetic and strong sense of natural beauty pay off in the earlier scenes of the trailer. But we’ll see how she handles the requirements of the VFX-heavy Marvel films of which she is reportedly a huge fan. This trailer, linked below, looks promising, and I’m 100% rooting for Zhao to elevate an MCU film with her personal style. The Eternals will be released on November 5, 2021. Read More

Fantasy Football Today: Julio Jones trade rumors

  Is one of the most exciting offenses in the NFL about to get broken up before they even play a down? There has been speculation around   Julio Jones ' time in Atlanta coming to an end basically since the   Falcons   played their final snap in 2020, and there have been more whispers than ever of late.  How much of that is just posturing and how much of it is real remains to be seen, but we got our most concrete information Monday when Jones spoke to Shannon Sharpe on Fox Sports' 'Undisputed' about the situation. When asked by Sharpe if he wanted to remain in Atlanta,  Jones didn't mince his words : "Nah. I'm out of there, man,"  Jones said . I'll admit, it would be disappointing not to get a chance to see an offense centered around Jones,  Calvin Ridley  and  Kyle Pitts  play at least one season together because that could be truly special. Jones and Pitts are 99.99th percentile talents at their positions, and Ridley is well established as a peren

White Fungus Sparks Worries

  #NEWDELHI As India grapples with alarmingly rising cases of the Black Fungus (Mucormycosis disease) after battling severe oxygen shortage amidst the second wave of the pandemic, the heath fraternity is now concerned with White Fungus which is being reported among Covid-recovered patients who are on long-term steroid use and suffer from severe uncontrolled diabetes, among other conditions. White Fungus has generally been seen in immuno-compromised people like those on chemotherapy or undergoing bone marrow transplant. Covid-19 itself is a condition which predisposes the body to other added infections via use of high-dose steroids, broad spectrum antibiotics, monoclonal antibodies and industrial oxygen, which can carry mucor during non-sterilised equipment for humidification. Now, a case of White Fungus has been found in a Covid-recovered patient from Mau district in Uttar Pradesh, and the health fraternity fear that many such cases are going unreported. “White Fungus is usually referr

"الهلال لا يستحق الدوري لأنه فريق عاجز"

هل يستحق الزعيم هذا التقليل؟ قلل الناقد الرياضي سعود الصرامي، المتحدث الرسمي السابق لنادي النصر، من اقتراب نادي الهلال من التتويج ببطولة دوري كأس الأمير محمد بن سلمان السعودي للمحترفي الهلال يحتاج للفوز على التعاون، في المباراة التي ستجمع بينهما مساء اليوم الأحد، بالجولة 29 "قبل الأخير"، من أجل حسم لقب  الدوري السعودي للمحترفين لصالحه الصرامي كتب عبر حسابه الشخصي على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر" تغريدة، يقلل فيها من تتويج الهلال باللقب، رافضًا توجيه التهنئة للزعيم، حيث جاء نص التغريدة كالآتي "الهلال حسم لقب الدوري لكنه لا يستحقه، فريق عجز عن الفوز على فرق مهددة بالهبوط، فقد خسر من ضمك والوحدة، واحتاج لهاتريك ركلات جزاء حتى يكسب العين الهابط رسميًا" ورفض الصرامي توجيه التهنئة لنادي الهلال على التتويج بلقب الدوري السعودي، حيث قال: "لا يمكن تقديم التهنئة لفريق تصدر الدوري وهو يخسر من فرق لا تملك ما يملكه من حظ وافر وكبير" ويتصدر الهلال ترتيب فرق الدوري السعودي للمحترفين برصيد 55 نقطة، بفارق 4 نقاط عن الشباب صاحب المركز الثاني، حيث يحتاج الفريق الأ