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A British muscle man taking a selfie at La Palma volcano rescues a stuck dog

 A personal trainer, one of the four British, was found violating a police checkpoint to take a selfie near the erupting volcano on La Palma. They revealed that they were trying to save the stuck dog.

Cebu Jones, 33, has posted on MailOnline a social media campaign for him and his muscular friends Andy Flavel, Tom Wight, and Zack Harley to rescue animals trapped near flowing lava. He said he hurriedly saved them.

But their bold mission was hampered when the falling ash and smoke began to burn and choke on those who would become rescuers before they were intercepted by police.

Brave explorers are now facing the possibility of proceedings to endanger their lives and the lives of security services, according to local media.

Seb, who also owns Oldham Driveways, said:

Seb Jones (pictured) (33), one of four British people who broke through a police checkpoint to take a selfie near the erupting volcano on La Palma Island, is trying to save a stranded dog. Revealed that

The group responded to social media campaigns to rescue animals trapped near flowing lava and was in a hurry to save them, Cebu (right) said.

“We are all strong hikers and adventurers. It was perfect for us because we liked the idea of ​​volcanoes.

“We knew we could get in and approach, but we definitely underestimated the extent of the damage and how difficult it really was.

The quartet was photographed right next to a river of lava erupting from the Kumbreviejo volcano, which has been erupting for over a month.

They left the villa on Tenerife and traveled to La Palma by ferry, but could not see the daytime trek because they were three hours late by ferry.

Cebu said: .. “

According to local media, brave explorers face the possibility of proceedings to endanger their lives and the lives of security services.

According to Cebu, four hours later, they arrived at the foot of a volcano where the ground was shaking at their feet.

Gymnasium fans decided to abandon their car and walk through the woods as the roads were thick with ash, even six miles from the volcano, and they continued to encounter road blockades and military patrols.

Cebu revealed: “The energy emitted by the volcano was cinematic. It was in a hurry and gave us the additional encouragement we needed for our future rescue missions.”

According to animal vigilants, the group had to hike through the woods for two hours, where they roamed in ashes up to three feet deep.

They stayed on the road, struggled to find the dog, but were surprised to see the torches lit on their faces by Spanish patrols.

He said he occasionally took pictures each time they saw the eruption and described the scene as “hell.”

According to Cebu, four hours later, they arrived at the foot of a volcano where the ground was shaking at their feet.

He said:’The air was as thick as bleach or something, you couldn’t inhale it, we were all choking it.

“Obviously, we weren’t ready for the real danger we’re facing, so we wrapped our T-shirt around our face and climbed the hill towards the center of the erupting volcano.

“Every time the volcano erupted, heavy ash fell from the sky, burning the bare skin it hit. At this point, although we were left with a burnt tree still standing on the volcano itself. I was hiding underneath, and only to get out of the ashes fall. This was a danger zone! “

The rocks crashed around them and they finally decided to abandon their ambitious rescue mission.

People see lava and smoke erupting while Cumbre Vieja volcano continues to erupt on Friday

Lava has been flowing through the island for over a month since the volcano first erupted.

On Friday, a week after the quartet attempted a rescue mission, the two watched a volcanic eruption from the municipality of El Paso.

Cebu recalled: “At this point we were really having a hard time breathing, so we took the last photo and headed to the house where we were still standing to keep looking for El Paso’s abandoned dog.

“When we got to the bottom road, you could actually hear the faint sounds of dogs screaming and barking from all directions. Some people could hear it nearby, others in the distance. Some people, but everything is overwhelmed by the constant roar of the volcano.

They stayed on the road, struggled to find the dog, but were surprised to see the torches lit on their faces by Spanish patrols.

Cebu said:’They had guns on them and wore full respiratory type face masks. They were aggressive, lining us up on the wall and yelling at us in broken English. We couldn’t really understand what they were saying.

“Because we were four and two, we started illuminating the torches on their faces. It seemed to shock them and they made a kind of retreat.

Since September 19, the eruption has lost more than 2,000 buildings and 1,300 homes.

Of the population of about 83,000, about 6,000 have fled their homes on the island.

“We are all well-built, but we know we are not beyond the law, we thought we were arrested, so once everything settled down, we would respond to them. Explained what they were doing and said they were clearly lost,

“They threatened to bring our passport and marched us straight out of the exclusion zone.”

They managed to find their car on Google Maps, but now it’s a two-hour walk and little time to take the ferry back to Tenerife.

Mr Cebu said he did not regret failing the dog rescue mission despite the violation of the law.

He states:

“The amount of energy and force coming from that volcano is indescribable. You can see how much it destroyed the island.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has previously stated that he will help rebuild the island, adding that it is safe for tourists to visit.

Since the authorities began investigating, the “lava fuss” has boasted that police are demanding it.

‘Just miles of lava length and width as far as your eyes can see. It’s crazy, everything is gray and black, everything is dead. The air is toxic. ”

After they returned, the group posted photos of their trip online and said: It was a complete SAS mission that included obstacles, search points, and animals with pitch-black dogs.

Close-up footage and photos taken by the group are understood to have been used by La Palma civil guard officers to identify the brave group.

Since the authorities began the investigation, the “lava fuss” has boasted that police are demanding it.

Zack writes online: To be honest, these guys want to have a minute!

“I have received pure s *** for 2 days, death wants me mom to be dead and tells me I have a square head hahaha and poses a lot of threats increase.

Thousands of homes and buildings have been devastated and destroyed. This is the first eruption on the island since 1971.

“I told them,’I have never ignited it, I just went to see it’ …”. I didn’t laugh or be rude, it’s a wonder of the world at the end of the day. ”

Durham Security Doorman Andy Flavell said online:We didn’t light [sic] Volcano or make it worse.

“We just wanted to see Mother Nature doing her with our own eyes, and we did!

“I received pure hatred. Now this went to La Palma a week ago. I’m sure they have to deal with more than we four last week.”

Since September 19, the eruption has lost more than 2,000 buildings and 1,300 homes as locals warned of an imminent aid crisis in the heart of the community.

Of the population of about 83,000, about 6,000 have fled their homes on the island.


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